Austrått Kaffebrenneri – Microlot Costa Rica

Austrått Kaffebrenneri, represented by Tor Sigve Taksdal, was the 2nd runner up from this years National Coffee Roasting Championship. To my delight my local coffee dealer, Amundsen Spesial, get a few bags now and then. So scoring one out of ten available bags of the micro lot, I almost can’t decide wether to feel evil towards everyone who doesn’t get a chance to taste or if I should feel privileged.

Using beans provided by Costa Rican Cup of Excellence runner up Alejo Castro, my expectations were high, as I brewed, smelled and finally tasted.

I was met by a sweet coffee flavour, almost overwhelming, but with an amazingly smooth and pure feeling to the mouth. I did not expect the complex floral tastes in this coffee, and combined with a hint of spice, the taste was absolutely worth buying.

Even though the toaster himself claims this coffee has no acidity or bitterness, I found that I myself found it to be sweetly acidic as a hand brew as well as on the Moccamaster. However, this acidity was well-balanced and absolutely did not negatively affect the coffee. Coffee should be somewhat acidic?


Austrått Kaffebrenneri Microlot Costa Rica








Positive sider

  • Overraskende frisk
  • Fyldig men «myk»
  • Mer floral enn forventet

Negative sider

  • Bare 10 poser
  • Mer syrlig enn det står på pakken


Kaffeelsker med kronisk sykdom, som bruker nær sagt all våken tid på kaffe. Har også en evne til å fylle opp disse nettsidene med allskens kafferelatert. Har minst 18 forskjellige bryggeteknikker i eget hjem, og er stadig på jakt etter den «perfekte kaffe». Har også startet eget mikrobrenneri, for å kunne tilfredsstille egne behov.